Final results of the 12th EMC

We are pleased to announce that the final results of the 12th European Mathematical Cup are now available on the Results page.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants, especially to this year’s medalists.

We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the local organizers, problem proposers, markers, and our sponsor, Jane Street, for their invaluable contributions in making this year’s competition possible.

EDIT: results have been reuploaded due to some technical errors on our part that changed scores of some participants. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Problems and solutions of the 12th EMC

The writing of the 12th EMC is finished, and the problems and solutions of this year’s edition have been posted. The marking process has now begun.

We’d like to thank all our local organizers for making this competition happen in over 35 countries across the world. We’d also like to thank the problem proposers for their immense contribution to this competition. Lastly, we would also like to thank Jane Street for sponsoring the competition!

12th European Mathematical Cup announcement

There is a bit over a month left until the 12th edition of the European Mathematical Cup.

This year’s edition of the competition will take place from 9th to 17th December. You can find confirmed local organizers for this year on the Local Organizers subpage. If you wish to become a local organizer, you can contact us by email.

The contest will again consist of proposed problems. The deadline for problem proposals is the 15th of November. If you have any interesting original problems you’d like to propose, please send us a .tex file done in the official template.


Final results of the 11th EMC


We’re happy to announce that the final results of the 11th EMC can now be found on the Results page.

Congratulations to all the contestants, especially to this year’s medalists.

Also, we’d like to express our appreciation and gratitude to all the local organizers  and to everyone who proposed problems this year. 

Problems and solutions of the 11th EMC

The writing of the 11th EMC is finished, and the problems and solutions of this year’s edition have been posted. The marking process has now begun.

We’d like to thank all our local organizers for making this competition happen in over 30 countries across the world.

We’d also like to thank the problem proposers for their immense contribution to this competition.


11th European Mathematical Cup announcement

There is about 2 months left until the 11th edition of the European Mathematical Cup.

This year’s edition of the competition will take place from 10th to 18th December. 

The deadline for problem proposals is the 10th of November. If you have any interesting original problems you’d like to propose, send them to our email.

If you want to apply for the competition, you can contact us on our email.

Final results of the 10th EMC

The final results of the 10th EMC can (finally) be viewed on the Results page.

We apologise for keeping you waiting for so long, we’ll try to make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future.

We hope you found the problems interesting.

Big congratulations to everyone, especially to this year’s medalists.

We would like to thank to all of you who proposed problems. Last but not least, a huge thank you to all our local organizers, helping us organize this competition in over 30 countries across the globe.

Writing of the 10th EMC has finished

The writing of the 10th edition of European Mathematical Cup has finished. The problems, along with the official solutions, have been posted here. Huge thanks to everyone who proposed their problems, we really aprreciate your contribution.

The marking process has begun. We’ll try to get the preliminary results ready as soon as we can.

10th European Mathematical Cup

We’re pleased to inform you that the 10th edition of the European Mathematical Cup will take place in less than two months from now!

This year’s edition will take place from 11th to 19th of December. The deadline for problem proposals is the 1st of November. If you have any original problems you would like to propose, send them to our e-mail.

As the pandemic situation is still unclear, it is possible to organize the competition via video call this year.

If you wish to apply to organize the competition in your location or if you want to compete, contact us on our email:

Final results of the 9th EMC

The final results of the 9th EMC can be viewed on the Results page!

Congratulations to all of the contestants, especially the medalists. We hope that everyone found the competition interesting.

Of course, sincere thanks to the problem proposers and local organizers. Your effort is highly appreciated.